IllustrateYourself Gallery, one of the flagship initiatives of IllustrateYourLife, was established in 2003 to promote artists from around the world. This online gallery provided selected illustrators, graphic designers, painters, and comic book artists with free online portfolios.
Over the course of its 13-year existence, the IY Gallery introduced nearly 300 international talents to the world.
In addition to showcasing a diverse range of styles and techniques, the website also included short artist bios that covered their place of birth, residence, education, interests, achievements, and work history related to art. Serving as an art guide, the website provided information and reports on the latest creative events and exhibitions. Each month, one artist was chosen for a special interview and asked to create an original self-portrait.
The Gallery closed its doors in December 2016.

Every month an artist was selected for a special interview and encouraged to create an original self-portrait.